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Swipe this for your monthly giving donor comms 👀

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

If messaging around monthly giving ever makes you feel like MacGruber ("I don't know what I'm doing!") ... this one's for you! It's the 81st issue of the Fundraising Writing Newsletter. Please forward to someone heroically fabulous. They can ​subscribe here for free.

In this issue:

  • Swipe this for your monthly giving donor comms
  • Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Hi Reader,

The other day, I came across the following and I chuckled because it's so goofy, specific, modern, and relatable.

So now I'm wondering...

Has this ever happened to you...?

Okay, no — I haven't caught Brett doing this... yet. 😹

But I have seen him use some interesting backgrounds for electronic check depositing purposes.

On a cookie sheet, for example.

(Where do they get these ideas?)

(At least the cookie sheet was clean and room temp. 🤷‍♀️)

Points for creativity and resourcefulness, I guess.

But still — for some things, you really do need to plan ahead and not just MacGruber it.

For donor comms, especially.

Please don't use whatever's bubbling to the top of your mind. (Don't use a cat either. Cats don't fully get fundraising.)


Swipe this for your monthly giving donor comms

Last week, I met with one of our clients, the executive director of a local social services charity, and I coached her on monthly giving.

Later, I thought of you. 🧡

I'm hoping you might be able to make good use of some of the following language in your monthly giving donor comms.

Here you go, divided in 3 sections...

1) Phrases to use when asking donors to consider giving monthly:

  • You can (describe the impact) every month and through every crisis when you join (name of your monthly giving program) ...
  • Please join a loyal group of supporters who (describe the impact) every day of the year…
  • You’ll be a treasured part of a group of supporters who, month after month, (describe the impact)
  • Without your ongoing generosity, we won’t be able to…
  • Steady monthly donations ensure more people receive (describe the impact)

2) How to love on your donors who give monthly so they know their recurring giving matters:

  • You are part of a passionate and determined group of supporters…
  • Month after month, you make your voice heard…
  • You bring goodness into the world every single day of the year…
  • Because of you and your unwavering monthly support, our community is growing stronger…
  • Thank you for making (beneficiaries) smile all month long…

3) When asking donors to upgrade their monthly giving to a higher amount:

  • Would you please consider strengthening your commitment today…
  • Will you please show your leadership even more by…
  • Please consider reaffirming your commitment to…
  • Today you can begin to help even more to (describe the impact).
  • Will you please consider increasing the amount you give? An additional ($X) a month, for example, adds up to the cost of (describe the specific impact) over the course of a year.

If you use more language like this in your monthly giving donor comms, you may well have more donation checks to deposit.

(So: maybe invest in a black table or something? Your cats and your cookie sheets will thank you.)

Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

For your brain, heart, and funny bone...

Until next time: May you always have, find, or swipe-with-permission the persuasive donor-relevant words you need and deserve.

All our best,

PS: Hey — here's the second in our new weekly video series called Win It in a Minute.

In this video, Tom answers the question:

"How often is a new case statement necessary?"

video preview

PPS: Need help with your donor comms? Book a free call with us. We'd love to talk to you about how we might stir your donors' hearts to action for your good cause.

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We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. 💛 Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

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