Find places for happy faces

This is the 121st Fundraising Writing Newsletter.
If you find value here, please tell your fundraising friends.
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In this issue:

Find places for happy faces

VIDEO: 'Win It in a Minute': Upgrading Your "Soft Donors"

Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hi Reader,

The other day, Brett and I had some plumbing work done. In the process I noticed this one little detail I don't always think about — but I believe it's important.

Yes, our drain cover has a happy face!

Is it necessary?


Does it make a difference?

Also no — sometimes. Other times, yeah, at least a little.

And: there's got to be a positive version of the expression "the straw that broke the camel's back." This example could point to that. It could be "the happy face that saved the camel's back."

Okay, probably not, but don't underestimate the butterfly effect, right? Every happy face counts.

With that in mind, I want to encourage you to...

Find places for happy faces

Your fundraising writing will always consist of a number of key required items. What's not necessarily required are happy faces.

Not in the literal or figurative senses.

People tend to love happy faces, but they don't always remember to include them.

Drain cover manufacturers, for example, seldom think to add a little happy face in the middle of all the required drain holes. But it works. It's awesome. It's memorable. (And it could even save a camel's life. Metaphor alert: see above.)

Mostly, it's a mindset.

Here's a recent example — an impact story we wrote for a client.

Take a look and notice the not-required-but-still-awesome-and-memorable-and-just-might-make-all-the-difference 😃s, each of them marked with red text.

“I am more than grateful,” says Winjoy’s grandmother. “I did not have anything that would have helped my grandchild. May God bless you so that you may never lack anything.” See how you helped heal a little girl’s broken bone — and restored the joy she shares wherever she goes ...
Take one look at her big, bright smile and you’ll see: it’s no wonder this girl was named Winjoy. The 3-year-old from Kenya must surely win joy in the heart of every person she meets. So ... meet Winjoy!
Can you picture it? Winjoy Jerono arrives at AIC Kapsowar Hospital in January of 2023. Her grandmother accompanies her. At this moment, Winjoy is not herself. She’s crying tears of pain. An accident has left her arm severely injured.
When the doctor shares the bad news of a broken bone, Winjoy’s grandmother gasps at the cost of the surgery: $646. A humble, small-scale farmer with a small plot of land, she can’t afford that. She barely gets by selling her vegetables, sorghum, and millet to pay Winjoy’s school fees. There’s little left over. Certainly nowhere near the $646 she needs. That amount is nearly the per capita income of this region in western Kenya – a year’s income to fix a broken arm!
So Winjoy’s grandmother does the only thing she can think to do: she asks the doctor if she can take Winjoy home to heal without surgery.
Imagine how difficult this must have been — with no hope in sight, and Winjoy still in pain.
The doctor said he must refuse the request. It could not be allowed because of the nature of the fracture. The splint that the hospital staff had given Winjoy would not ensure correct alignment. Winjoy could only heal properly if she had surgery.
What could her grandmother do?
She didn’t know. But we did.
She could rely on YOU.
You were there for Winjoy and her grandmother. You were there when the Kapsowar surgeons — powered by you through the SAFE program — performed the surgery that set things right again for Winjoy.

Today Winjoy is healing. Smiling.
Living her best toddler life. Getting ready to go back to school. Bringing joy to the world. Her grandmother is happy too, because of you. Thank you!

Each "happy face" moment in the impact piece above was meant to lift the piece — to lift donors' hearts — and to lift response. None of these elements were to be found in the story field notes we were given.

Rather, we found places to add happy faces.

And we hope you'll do the same! 😃

Win It in a Minute: Upgrading "Soft Donors"

video preview

This video is a snippet taken from January's Tom Ahern fundraising newsletter webinar Q&A session. You'll see Tom and special guest expert Denisa Casement answer an attendee's question about how to upgrade "soft donors" such as those who give a gift in memory of a loved one.

You can (and maybe want to?) subscribe here.

Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

For your brain, heart, and funny bone...

Until next time: May you find all kinds of places for all kinds of happy faces.


PS: We wrote a new (200+ page) book — and it's free! Click here to access Heartable Fundraising Writing.

Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter

We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. 💛 Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

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