Is that a rainbow cloud? Yes! (Also: fundraising samples.)

We hope this newsletter finds you under a rainbow cloud! This is the 139th Fundraising Writing Newsletter. If you find value here, please tell a fundraising friend. (Your fundraising friend can ​subscribe here for free.)​

In this issue:

βœ… Rainbow cloud? Yes!

βœ… (Also: fundraising samples.)

βœ… (And: free webinar on July 31!)

βœ… Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hi Reader,

Brett here:

I'm hoping the last party you hosted or attended was (as Julie likes to say) fan-frickin-tastic!

Julie and I hosted a family 4th of July party last week, and thankfully it went so well that we're already planning a 2025 redux.

This pic of my 83-year-old Mom relaxing after the festivities rather nicely captures the chill party vibes.

But the most surprising thing we saw was this happy rainbow cloud lounging in a clear blue sky...

Is that a rainbow cloud? Yes!

My sister spotted it first.

She said, "Is that a rainbow cloud?"


Now's a good time to tell you that our 4th of July party doubled as a second memorial for my stepdad, a WWII Navy man who died at age 102 last September.

Everyone at the party gave a little speech, and then we scattered cremains in the lake.

Maybe the rainbow cloud was my stepdad smiling down at us from above? 😊

(Also: fundraising samples.)

If not for my sister keeping her eyes peeled, I would never have seen the rainbow cloud. I had not been looking up.

Fundraising writing is like that.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Don't miss any rainbow clouds.

In fundraising writing, powerful details can make a world of difference.

Julie and I always love looking at samples of other people’s work. We find doing so to be thought-provoking and inspiring. Maybe you do too?

If you'd like to review examples of how we incorporate powerful details in our fundraising writing to stir donors' hearts to action, take a look at our portfolio.

Below are teaser images of the examples: newsletters, supporter survey, impact reports, appeal letters, a case for support, a blog feature...

And if you would like to chat about how we might help you with your fundraising writing, book a free call now!

A summer webinar for YOU

Julie here:

On Wednesday, July 31, I'm teaming up with 2 of my fundraising BFFs, Rachel Muir and Sarah Masterson, to present "How to Write and Design Money-raising Appeals" at 10 am PT/ 12 noon CT/ 1 pm ET.

​Sign up to discover:

⚠️ Copywriting mistakes and what to do instead

πŸ’ͺ "Power words" good donor copy taps into

πŸš€ How to format and design appeals to boost results

⭐ "Before & After" appeal makeovers

We presented this same 90-minute workshop at AFP ICON 2024 and scored a 4.67 (out of 5). πŸ€©πŸŽ‰

Attendees said things like...

πŸ’¬ "These ladies put the fun back in fundraising!"
πŸ’¬ "Exceeded my expectations!"
πŸ’¬ "Speakers had great delivery, were highly prepared, and were clear subject matter experts. I would 100% recommend them again as speakers β€” bias-free, accessible tools and suggestions ANYONE could apply"

Cost, you ask? Nothing. Niets. Nada. (That fits your budget, yes?)

​Register now because this session will fill up!

Here’s that link again to register for the free webinar:​

Hope to see you there! Please say 'hi' in the chat! πŸ’›

Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

For your brain, heart, and funny bone...

  • Fundraisingly Informative β€” Nonprofit online revenue down 1% by Jeff Brooks (a blog post about some key 2024 fundraising findings and benchmarks, and how to think of them in context for your org)​
  • Fully Worthy β€” The Most Important Choice of Your Life by Sahil Bloom (a blog post featuring helpful reflections and a wonderful modern parable you're unlikely to forget)
  • Contrastingly Marvelous β€” Thread of Before and After Photos via James Lucas (a Twitter/X thread at which you're likely to gasp in awe; e.g., "Chichen Itza in 1892 and now," "the Sphinx before and after excavation," and "Mount St. Helens before and after its 1980 eruption")

Until next time: May blue skies smile down upon you with the occasional rainbow cloud, and may all your parties be fan-frickin-tastic!






Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter

We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. πŸ’› Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

Read more from Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter
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