Fundraising tiny tweaks to help make your week!

It's the little things. It's also the tiny tweaks. We hope these fundraising tiny tweaks help make your week! This is the 115th issue of the Fundraising Writing Newsletter. If you find value here, please tell your fundraising friends. (Your fundraising friends can ​subscribe here for free.)​

In this issue:

  • Fundraising tiny tweaks to help make your week!
  • Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you
  • Win It in a Minute: Julie asks Tom Ahern a question about designing outer envelopes so donors rip them open!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


Hi Reader,

I love me a good tiny tweak.

For example, this keyless entry door lock we now have:

Also, learning how to copy screenshots (on a Mac) directly to the clipboard:

video preview​

I'm a vigilant tiny tweak hunter. I especially love when they connect to fundraising. So, as you might imagine, I was tickled when I came across a few fundraising-worthy ideas from a recent Nick Kolenda newsletter on consumer psychology.

At first glance, the tweaks below may seem small.

They are!

They're tiny!

Yet, paired with fundraising best practices, they could help you leverage a lot of impact.

Every tiny tweak counts.

Here are 3 . . .

Fundraising tiny tweaks to help make your week!

Tiny Tweak #1: For your deadline, use a vibrant color.

Reason: Related to the psychology of proximity, saturated colors seem closer to us. And we give more attention to objects that are β€” or appear β€” near.

Notice how the blue car in this image feels nearer:

The β€œproximity” effect also applies to time. Choose a saturated (vibrant) color to make a deadline feel closer:

For more info on this tip, see Nick’s guide here.

Tiny Tweak #2: On your website donation page and/or your direct mail reply form, put an image of someone looking directly at the camera.

Reason: Visibility can influence behavior. When our behavior feels more public, we act more generously. Images featuring someone looking at the camera (straight at you) encourage good deeds.

It’s as if the person in the picture is asking, β€œWhat are you going to do now?”

For more info on this tip, see Nick’s guide here.

Tiny Tweak #3: Bring your donation buttons forward using drop shadows or raised button images.

Reason: Consumer psychology shows that people evaluate a buying decision by thinking β€œWhy should I do this?” and β€œHow do I do this?”

Making your donation button feel more β€œclickable” can help with the how of completing a transaction.

Enhance your buttons with elements like drop shadows or raised button images (e.g., from Canva, below). Create the compelling illusion that your button is oh-so-close:

For more info on this tip, see Nick’s post here.

Tiny tweaks β€” peace out!

Randomly yours: to inspire and recharge you

For your brain, heart, and funny bone...

Until next time: May all the mightiest of tiny tweaks gather around you relentlessly like adorably friendly woodland creatures around a Disney princess!


PS: Here's the latest in our weekly video series, Win It in a Minute.

You can (and maybe want to?) subscribe here.

In this new video, Julie asks Tom Ahern: "How can a fundraising development team design the outer envelope of their appeal letter to maximize the likelihood donors will open it?"

Watch Tom's answer, including examples of high-performing outer envelopes. Get inspired for your next fundraising appeal pack!


video preview​

Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter

We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. πŸ’› Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

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