Your ASK is an angel πŸ‘Ό -- not a devil πŸ‘Ώ

The fundraising writing newsletter about your donor communications
An animated character saying, "I'm glad you asked!"

Welcome! Make yourself cozy. It's the 48th issue of the Fundraising Writing Newsletter. Please forward this to someone swell. (They can subscribe for free!)

In this issue:

  • Your ASK is an angel πŸ‘Ό β€” not a devil πŸ‘Ώ
  • A visual reminder for you
  • Readably and viewably yours: free learning content you'll love

Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Brett here:

Last week, Julie and I celebrated our 28th wedding anniversary. Here's what we looked like on our big day:

Julie and Brett on their wedding day
Julie and Brett β€” Just Married!

For those keeping score, our first real date was on November 12, 1988. Dinner and a movie. U2: Rattle and Hum & Giordano's Pizza.

I remember being nervous to ask Julie out. I didn't know whether or not she wanted me to ask her out.

What if it was awkward?

What if she didn't really like me?

What if she said no?

My heart raced. My chest ached. My thoughts churned.

It's hard to ask!

Your ASK is an angel πŸ‘Ό β€” not a devil πŸ‘Ώ

In fundraising, too, it's hard to ask...

Until, that is, you realize something very important:

Your supporters want to be asked!

That's why they're on your list. They're not "random people on the street." They're your supporters because they support you. They're your big fans. They're your treasured family. They want to help.

This mental shift is crucial.

Because ... if you worry about asking ... you won't ask as often or as compellingly as you should.

​T. Clay Buck tells a story he says helped him understand that we should never hesitate to ask anyone. You can listen to Clay tell it himself (on Mike Duerksen's excellent Build Good Fundraising Podcast).

Here's a lightly edited transcription of the story, in Clay's words:

"The most transformative story of my career β€” and I'll tell it quickly β€” was at an event. I was the development officer for an organization.
"I was at the table, and one of our young program recipients got up and told her story. It was amazing and beautiful. Tears. Everything you want in an event.
"And it came time for the ask. I happened to be sitting next to her mother, who we had invited to be there to support her daughter and all of that.
"Her mother reaches over and takes the pledge card on the table and starts to fill it out. And I leaned over to her and I said, 'No no no, you are our guest. This is not expected of you. You do not need to do this.'
"And she looks at me with big tears in her eyes and says, 'Clay, who am I to accept this help and not provide it for others?'"

I felt that.

It’s all too easy to think people don’t want to be asked.

But . . .

Your ask is an invitation for donors to join you, shoulder to shoulder, helping others.

Your ask is an opportunity for donors to step up and show their kindness and love.

Your ask is a gift to donors that unlocks the generosity within themselves . . . which is doubly awesome because giving makes people feel good.

Your ask is not a devil πŸ‘Ώ to be avoided at all costs...

(Get that outta your head!)

​Your ask is an angel πŸ‘Ό to be welcomed with open arms! Because this angel you send brings a glorious message β€” of how your supporters can make our world more heavenly.

So be not afraid to ask. Send more angels. Feel no guilt.

Your supporters deserve frequent chances to do more good (and feel more good)!

A visual reminder for you

(also on our Instagram page)

photo of puppies with halos, with text that reads, "Every ASK is an ANGEL bringing good news of how to help. (So send more ANGELS.)

Readably and viewably yours: free learning content you'll love...

a woman reading thoughtfully

Each of the following represents a wise investment of your time. We loved them. Maybe you will too?

Until next time: May you always feel good about "sending more angels" and give your supporters ample opportunity to do more good in the world, without guilt or fear!

We'll see you in your inbox soon!!

All our best,

Julie and Brett






​Julie Cooper & Brett Cooper​
Fundraising Copywriters


​PS: We wish our U.S. readers a merry holiday weekend (and we wish all our other readers a weekend worthy of off-season fireworks). We'll see you next in 2 weeks. Please stay safe and be well! ❀️

Subscribe to The Fundraising Writing Newsletter

We're Julie Cooper and Brett Cooper, fundraising copywriters for great causes. Does your fundraising bring in as much money as it could? You can send donor communications that stir hearts to action. We'd love to help. πŸ’› Start by subscribing to our FREE and fun weekly newsletter.

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